Ankle Weights: A Step Towards Enhanced Fitness and Recovery

December 20, 2023
ankle weights | Every Motheer

In the realm of postpartum fitness, where the focus is on rebuilding strength and fostering recovery, finding effective and safe ways to regain strength and endurance is crucial. Ankle weights, a small yet powerful tool, can play a significant role and can emerge as a valuable ally in this process. 

These unassuming yet powerful accessories offer a targeted approach to enhance lower body strength and support the journey towards postpartum fitness goals. As new mothers navigate the path to regaining strength and stability after childbirth, ankle weights provide a customizable and adaptable means to amplify exercises and promote a gradual return to pre-pregnancy fitness levels. 

Let us explore the various benefits, considerations, and strategic use of adding ankle weights to your postpartum workouts, offering insights for women seeking a supportive and effective tool on their path to enhanced fitness and recovery.

Benefits of Adding Ankle Weights

The benefits of incorporating ankle weights into fitness routines are multifaceted and impactful. Ankle weights provide a gentle yet effective means to gradually rebuild and tone muscles that may have undergone changes during pregnancy. The added resistance encourages engagement of the lower body muscles, aiding in the development of strength and stability. 

This targeted approach is particularly beneficial for postpartum women aiming to address specific areas like the glutes, thighs, and calves. Additionally, ankle weights offer versatility in workouts, adapting to various exercises and intensifying the effort required, fostering a sense of challenge without compromising safety. What other benefits to ankle weights offer?

Better Endurance

Incorporating ankle weights into your workout routine can significantly boost endurance. This is particularly beneficial for new mothers looking to rebuild stamina after childbirth. The added weight increases the effort required for movements, gradually enhancing your endurance over time.

Tones Your Legs

Ankle weights provide a constant, gentle resistance that helps tone and strengthen leg muscles. This resistance is key for postpartum mothers aiming to regain muscle tone in their lower body. The gradual increase in muscle strength also supports overall body stability, which is essential during the recovery phase.

More Versatility

One of the great advantages of ankle weights is their versatility. They can be used in a variety of exercises, from walking to specific leg and glute workouts. This flexibility allows new mothers to integrate them into their existing exercise routines without the need for additional equipment.

More Burned Calories

Using ankle weights can increase the caloric burn of your workouts. The extra weight requires more energy expenditure, which in turn helps in burning more calories. This can be particularly encouraging for mothers working towards postpartum weight loss goals, as it adds an extra boost to their regular exercise routine.

Strengthens Stems

Ankle weights are particularly effective in strengthening the lower body, colloquially referred to as "stems". This strengthening is vital for postpartum women, as it aids in regaining the muscle tone and strength that may have been lost during pregnancy. Stronger legs support better posture and reduce the risk of injury, which is essential when caring for a new baby.

Help in Water Workouts

Water workouts can be incredibly beneficial for postpartum recovery, offering low-impact resistance and support. Ankle weights can enhance these benefits by providing additional resistance in the water. This extra challenge helps to build muscle strength and endurance without adding strain on the joints, making it ideal for new mothers.

Extra Resistance to Abdominal Workouts

Adding ankle weights can intensify abdominal workouts, which is key for rebuilding core strength after childbirth. Exercises like single leg lifts become more challenging with added weight, effectively targeting and strengthening the core muscles. For more insight into Diastasis Recti (DR) and core recovery, check out our article: Ab Exercises for Diastasis Recti: Safely Strengthening Your Core

Enhances Walking Gait

Using ankle weights during walking can improve your gait. This is particularly beneficial for postpartum mothers who may experience changes in their walking patterns due to pregnancy and childbirth. The additional weight helps in retraining and stabilizing the muscles used in walking, leading to a stronger, more balanced gait.

Balance Rehabilitation

Ankle weights are an excellent tool for balance rehabilitation. For new mothers recovering from pregnancy and childbirth, maintaining balance can be a challenge due to changes in the body's center of gravity. Exercises with ankle weights help in regaining balance and coordination, which is crucial for daily activities and overall mobility.

Who Should Not Use Ankle Weights?

While ankle weights can be a valuable tool for many postpartum women on their journey to enhanced fitness and recovery, there are certain individuals who should exercise caution or refrain from using them. 

Pregnant individuals, especially those in their second or third trimester, should avoid ankle weights to prevent any unnecessary strain on the abdominal muscles and pelvic area. It's crucial to prioritize safety and listen to one's body, and recognize when they might not be the right choice especially in the context of postpartum recovery. 

Be sure to seek guidance from a healthcare provider to ensure that the use of ankle weights aligns with individual health conditions and postpartum recovery goals. Here are a few other reasons you might not want to use ankle weights:

Recent or Ongoing Lower Body Injury

If you have recently suffered from or are currently experiencing a lower body injury, such as knee or ankle problems, ankle weights might exacerbate the issue. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your routine.

Pelvic Floor Weakness

For those experiencing significant pelvic floor weakness or conditions like prolapse, the added pressure from ankle weights can be detrimental. It's crucial to build pelvic floor strength through specialized exercises before adding extra resistance.

Joint Issues

If you have joint issues, particularly in the hips, knees, or ankles, the additional strain from ankle weights might cause discomfort or injury. It's advisable to strengthen these areas first and seek professional advice.

During Early Postpartum Recovery

The immediate postpartum period is a time for gentle recovery. Introducing ankle weights too soon can hinder the healing process, especially if there were complications during childbirth. Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider.

When to Use Ankle Weights

The strategic use of ankle weights in postpartum fitness is contingent on the individual's specific recovery timeline and fitness goals. Knowing when to use ankle weights can maximize their benefits while minimizing the risk of injury. 

As a general guideline, women can consider incorporating ankle weights once they have received approval from their healthcare provider, typically after the initial postpartum recovery period. Ankle weights can be gradually introduced into fitness routines as strength and stability improve, aiming to provide an extra challenge to targeted muscle groups. 

However, it's crucial to pay attention to any discomfort or strain and adjust the intensity accordingly. Always consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating ankle weights into a postpartum fitness routine to ensure that it aligns with individual recovery needs and goals. Here are some guidelines and suggested exercises:

Exercises to Use:

For Lower Body Toning: Side-lying leg lifts, both lateral and forward, can be enhanced with ankle weights. This targets the thighs and glutes, aiding in toning and strengthening.

During Walks: Incorporating ankle weights during walks can increase endurance and strength. Start with a light weight and short duration to avoid overexertion.

Water Aerobics: Use them in water workouts to add resistance while minimizing joint impact.

Yoga and Pilates: They can add an extra challenge to certain yoga or Pilates poses, making your practice more intense.

When introducing ankle weights, it's crucial to start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as your strength improves. Listen to your body and avoid overdoing it, especially in the early stages of postpartum recovery. Remember, the goal is to enhance your fitness journey, not to push your limits too soon.

Key Features to Look for in Ankle Weights

When selecting ankle weights as part of a postpartum fitness routine, it's essential to consider key features that enhance comfort, effectiveness, and safety. Choose ankle weights that are compact and easy to wear, allowing for seamless integration into various exercises. Here are the key aspects to consider:


Choose ankle weights that allow you to adjust the weight. This feature is beneficial as it enables you to start light and gradually increase the weight as your strength improves. For postpartum exercises, a range from 0.5 to 5 pounds is generally recommended. Heavier weights can be used by more experienced individuals or as you gain strength.


Look for ankle weights made from soft, skin-friendly, and comfortable materials to avoid irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Breathable fabrics are preferable to reduce sweating and discomfort during workouts. The material should be durable and easy to clean, as ankle weights can accumulate sweat and dirt over time.


Ensure that the filling material is of good quality, such as sand or metal shot. It should not shift excessively during movement, providing a stable weight distribution. Considering the health and environmental aspects, opt for non-toxic fillings, especially if you have small children at home.

Closure Type

The closure system, whether Velcro or straps, should be secure and easily adjustable. This ensures a snug fit and prevents the weights from sliding during movement. Ensure that the closure does not dig into your skin or cause discomfort, especially during extended periods of use.

Selecting the right ankle weights involves considering these key features for your postpartum recovery and fitness goals. By paying attention to these key features, you can select ankle weights that contribute positively to your postpartum fitness journey, providing the right blend of challenge and comfort.

Top Rated Ankle Weights

When it comes to choosing ankle weights, quality and suitability are key. Based on user reviews and expert recommendations, here are some top-rated ankle weights that are well-suited for postpartum exercise:

  1. BalanceFrom GoFit Fully Adjustable Ankle Weights: Known for their comfort and adjustability, these ankle weights are a popular choice. They come with a range of weight options and are praised for their secure fit and durability.
  2. Sportneer Ankle Weights: These weights are renowned for their fine-tuning weight adjustments. They feature a soft neoprene exterior and come in a sleek design, making them both functional and stylish.
  3. Nordic Lifting Ankle Weights: Ideal for both beginners and advanced users, these ankle weights are appreciated for their robust construction and even weight distribution. They also boast a comfortable fit, essential for longer workout sessions.
  4. REEHUT Durable Ankle/Wrist Weights: With a focus on comfort and versatility, these weights can be used on both ankles and wrists. They're made with a soft, breathable fabric and are available in various weight options.
  5. TheraBand Comfort Fit Ankle & Wrist Weight Sets: These are particularly suitable for rehabilitation and gentle toning. They have a soft, padded design and are adjustable, making them a safe and comfortable option for new mothers.

When choosing ankle weights, consider your current fitness level, the specific exercises you'll be doing, and your overall comfort.

Other Types of Weighted Equipment

In addition to ankle weights, other types of weighted equipment can also enhance your postpartum exercise routine:

Wrist Weights

  • Purpose: Ideal for upper body toning and improving arm strength. They can be especially beneficial for exercises targeting the shoulders, arms, and upper back.
  • Selection Tips: Like ankle weights, look for adjustable, comfortable, and durable options.

Weighted Vest

  • Purpose: Adds overall body resistance, increasing the intensity of workouts like walking, running, or bodyweight exercises.
  • Selection Tips: Ensure it fits snugly and distributes weight evenly to avoid strain on your back and shoulders.

Incorporating these weighted tools into your fitness regime can provide varied and comprehensive strength training, aiding in your postpartum recovery journey. Remember to start slow, listen to your body, and progressively increase intensity as your strength and endurance improve. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on postpartum fitness and wellbeing.

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